Men Need Self Care Too
Men Need Self Care Too...
When we think about self care, we often visualize a bathtub full of bubbles, a glass of wine, a box of chocolates or a day of retail therapy with the girls. However, that is not what self care is truly about. Self care is about igniting the passion that feeds your soul and rejuvenating your engagement with your life. Men need self care now more than ever. The entire world is filled with uncertainty and on edge. This is the time we need to be in tune with ourselves. We want to chat a bit about why self care is so important for men and how to incorporate it into your daily schedule.
Men often feel like they have to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and suffer in silence, but they don't. Men need an outlet (besides working out) and a support system of other men to lean on when things get difficult. They need a healthy way to release frustration and escape from the hustle and bustle of day to day life. Proper self care relieves stress and makes you a much more pleasant person to be around. Here are a few ways to fit it into your life.
1. Journaling
Journaling is an easy way to acknowledge exactly what you are feeling and what made you feel the way you. You don't need anything fancy. Grab a notebook, just for your thoughts. Take 15 minutes each day, usually at the beginning or the end of the day to take an assessment of your day and set goals. Setting goals helps with self care because it keeps you in tune with what is important to you.
2. Skin Care Regimen
We know this may seem shallow, but it's not. Keep an open mind. Setting a routine for taking care of your body makes you feel better about yourself, not to mention your skin will love your for it. Exfoliating removes the dead skin and moisturizing refreshes the new layer of skin that was waiting to breathe. We have scrub bars made with beer soap that are perfect to start your regimen. Even during this time when you can't get to your barber...you still want to maintain your beards with butter and balm. Check out the MANCAVE to see what's new. We have a Self Care Box for Men to get you started.
3. Reconnect With Your Buddies
We don't mean the ones from college that encouraged you to self destruct. We're talking about the ones with similar interests and challenges that can relate to the stage you're in right now. Understanding that we have the whole "social distancing" thing going on, it's perfectly okay to connect on zoom or facetime for a guy's night in. Grab your favorite brew and catch up virtually.
4. Rediscover Your Hobbies
Remember that guitar you haven't picked up years or those paint brushes you stuck in a box in the garage, give it another shot. Many times the very things we love get pushed away because life happens. Not realizing how much they mean to us and affect our well being, they are the first things we let go of when things are tight. Whether it's woodworking, gardening or simply reading your favorite book, we challenge you to take at least a couple of hours on 1 day out of every week to rediscover the love you have for your long, lost hobby.
5. Release the Guilt for Being Happy
Men are often looked to for being the provider, the problem solver, the rock and feel guilty for doing something for themselves. Release that guilt you picked up somewhere along the way. Stop feeling guilty for doing something for you that makes you happy. The ones who love you understand how much you do for others and appreciate you taking care of yourself. Don't find yourself in a place of burnout because you burned the candle at both ends. Put an end to the guilt TODAY and do something that makes your soul smile.
We truly hope you take a moment to share this with someone you love, who could use a little self care. Pour some of what you've been pouring out back into yourself. Happy #MANDAY!
Peace & Love
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